Index / Catalogue / Composition / Shepherd
oil on canvas, 100x150cm 2020
The image of the Shepherd is complex and ambiguous. It is based on the gospel parable in which Christ Himself calls Himself so. Actually the image of the Shepherd is rooted in the Old Testament, where all the leaders of the people are called shepherds, it is said about the Lord Himself – “The Lord, my Shepherd.” In addition, the image of a shepherd had and has a clear meaning for everyone – in Christianity, it is customary to call priests pastors, and laity – flock. Expanding this concept even more, each of us at some point in our lives is both a sheep and a shepherd. One leads his small family, the other manages the team, the third rules the country. And each of them makes difficult decisions that affect those who follow them, who believe in them. I was interested in the moment when the shepherd himself does not know where to lead his flock. He got lost in the fog. And then he himself turns to the SHEPHERD…