My new work TWO QUEENS
We play games, try on new roles, hide behind masks. We need one to build interactions with colleagues at work, another when communicating with family, and in a third we meet a loved one. In communication with people, we strive to create an image in which our strengths are emphasized, and our shortcomings and vices are hidden, pushed into a dark corner and bolted. This is most clearly manifested in our social networks, this stormy photo stream of beautiful, successful, loving and beloved people. We endlessly clean and retouch our bright-faced image, mercilessly driving ourselves into generally accepted standards, following someone's standards and expectations. But sooner or later, each of us suddenly stops and is left alone with ourselves. Only with ourselves... And at this moment, makeup and tinsel become so ridiculous and funny, rustling in the wind of eternity. Achievements, diplomas, status - here, on the territory of the soul, they have no weight. Likes, followers, hype - how pathetic they are at this moment.
In front of us is a mirror, but who is behind it? After all, everything that we do not want to show and shamefully hide in the closet of the subconscious has not gone anywhere. Moreover, our dark side lives its own parallel life. And since all our control and attention are directed at the formation and nurturing of the external image, the repressed alter ego remains unconscious and beyond our control.
What is there, behind the cracked amalgam of our inner mirror, what is hidden in its cold depths?
Our instincts are squeezed and suppressed there. But along with them, there is intuition and creative insights. There is sexuality.
Of course, aggression and anger are hidden there. But along with them, there is spontaneity and daring.
There is the open and surprised look of a child, his long-forgotten fantasies and dreams...